When thinking we’re not part of the problem, is the problem.

Last night Barry Hall was sacked by a radio broadcaster here in Australia for making inappropriate comments. Unlike some media outlets, I’ll not be describing Barry as an ‘AFL Great’, but a ‘fucking disgusting piece of shit’. Because I personally couldn’t give a shit about how well he played football, but do care about who [...]

By |2018-07-01T16:25:21+09:30June 30th, 2018|Current Affairs, Homepage, Life, News, Violence Against Women|Comments Off on When thinking we’re not part of the problem, is the problem.

It’s not you, it’s me.

When my son was at school, like a lot of kids I suppose, he was bullied a bit. And I put an awful lot of effort into helping him interpret what was happening. To attach new meaning to what was being said and done. I suspect it wasn’t always effective, but when he’d tell me [...]

By |2018-06-28T19:36:12+09:30June 28th, 2018|Current Affairs, Homepage, Life, News|Comments Off on It’s not you, it’s me.

Run Review: The Pichi Richi Marathon

As an addition to my previous article on low and no cost runs in South Australia, I thought I’d do a few reviews of these runs for you. This one’s of the The Pichi Richi Marathon which also includes a 1km kid's fun run, 5km, 10km, 21.1km half marathon and full 42.2km marathon distance.   [...]

By |2018-08-14T06:55:22+09:30June 27th, 2018|Running, Running Event Reviews|Comments Off on Run Review: The Pichi Richi Marathon

A Challenge to Men

  In the wake of the Eurydice Dixon rape and murder here in Australia, the spotlight is well and truly on the issue of violence against women by men. So here's my challenge to the men in my network, actual friends or otherwise: Challenge #1: Actually read this fucking post. Even if it's a bit [...]

By |2018-06-20T20:21:43+09:30June 20th, 2018|Current Affairs, Life, News, Violence Against Women|Comments Off on A Challenge to Men

Hey men, let’s do this.

A woman friend of mine (sorry to differentiate, but it's relevant), just told me that she'd only seen a grand total of three of her male friends post something supportive about the Eurydice Dixon rape and murder and, by extension, domestic violence against women, by men. (Even though yes, we understand that specific crime, wasn't [...]

By |2018-06-20T20:22:44+09:30June 20th, 2018|Current Affairs, Life, News, Violence Against Women|Comments Off on Hey men, let’s do this.

A personal message to women everywhere.

[10 minute read] This is a message from me as a man, to you as a woman. I’ve always known we were equal, something you’ve had to fight hard to achieve. Something you’re still fighting hard for, most likely in ways I’ll never even fully understand or appreciate. I don’t know if it was the [...]

By |2018-07-01T12:09:28+09:30June 16th, 2018|Current Affairs, Life, News, Violence Against Women|Comments Off on A personal message to women everywhere.

Anything is possible? Fuck. That.

“Anything is possible” is supposed to be inspirational. But it’s not really, is it? Because what happens when you can’t do that thing you really want to do? That 'anything' that was supposed to be possible. You feel like shit. You feel like a failure. Like you’re not good enough. "If it's possible, and I [...]

By |2018-08-14T06:55:44+09:30June 15th, 2018|Fuck. That. The book., Goals, Life|Comments Off on Anything is possible? Fuck. That.

Fuck. That. The book.

For about five years now, I’ve wanted to write my next book. I’ve had heaps of ideas, heaps of fucking great titles, and even started writing it a few times. But I could never quite get into the groove. I kept feeling like a bit of a fraud. Because the book I wanted to write [...]

By |2018-06-16T16:04:22+09:30June 14th, 2018|Fuck. That. The book., Goals, Homepage, Life, News|Comments Off on Fuck. That. The book.

Run Review: The Great Kanku-Breakaways Marathon

As an addition to my previous article on low and no cost runs in South Australia, I thought I’d do a few reviews of these runs for you. This one’s of the The Great Kanku-Breakaways Marathon which also includes a 2.4km kid's fun run, 5km, 10km, 21.1km half marathon and full 42.2km marathon distance, plus [...]

By |2018-07-01T12:10:59+09:30June 10th, 2018|Running, Running Event Reviews|Comments Off on Run Review: The Great Kanku-Breakaways Marathon
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