Having problems with problems.

  OK, so stick with me on this one. Because this one’s pretty topical to right now, and it’s basically two fuck that’s in one. And they’re both absolute opposites. But both absolutely fucking true. Yes, opposites can be true. If you think they can’t, you’re wrong. So actually, consider that another bonus fuck that. [...]

By |2020-04-30T17:27:27+09:30March 29th, 2020|Fuck. That. The book., Homepage, Life|Comments Off on Having problems with problems.

Goals that make you feel shit.

I really struggled with which fuck that to kick this project off with. I started writing about 20 different ones but was feeling the pressure of needing to start with something that was useful, but not too wanky. In fact, it’s been one of my major blocks to this whole project because the last thing [...]

By |2020-04-30T17:28:00+09:30March 22nd, 2020|Fuck. That. The book., Homepage, Life|Comments Off on Goals that make you feel shit.

Shit that isn’t cancelled.

If like most of us, your calendar is looking decidedly fucking empty for the next three or forever months, welcome to the Covid Club. And we’ve all seen the announcements about things being cancelled and fuck, we get it. It’s all cancelled. Everything. But not really. Some things aren’t cancelled. There’s plenty of awesome things [...]

By |2020-03-20T14:06:18+09:30March 20th, 2020|Adventure, Birds, Current Affairs, Homepage, Life, News, Running|Comments Off on Shit that isn’t cancelled.

Finally some good news for runners.

Amidst all the upset, angst, frustration and yes, for some, even anger and outrage amidst a shit tonne of event cancellations, I’m here to deliver you some good news. “What the fuck? Good news?!?!?” I hear all you lovely little runner people cry out in unison. Yes, good news. The good news is… you didn’t [...]

By |2020-03-17T16:07:00+09:30March 17th, 2020|Adventure, Current Affairs, Goals, Homepage, Life, Running|Comments Off on Finally some good news for runners.

Ever wondered how fast change can happen?

Ever wondered how fast change can happen? When shit goes tits up, all sorts of people will tell you all sorts of things about why things can’t change. You'll hear all sorts of rational explanations about why it can't change or how much time it will take or people will resist because change is uncomfortable [...]

By |2020-03-13T22:38:55+09:30March 13th, 2020|Current Affairs, Homepage, Life, News|Comments Off on Ever wondered how fast change can happen?

How to keep your knickers un-knotted this Easter

With Easter just around the corner, I thought I'd share this little piece I wrote a few years back when the annual "They're trying to ban Easter!" outrage kicks in. Sometimes our greatest enemy isn't 'them', it's 'us'. It's us believing the bullshit. It's us agreeing to be divided and conquered. It's us being hateful [...]

By |2020-03-12T12:45:36+09:30March 12th, 2020|Current Affairs, Homepage, Life, News|Comments Off on How to keep your knickers un-knotted this Easter
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