Wasting time being wasted.

I’m coming up on 13 years Livin’ La Vida Sober. No drugs. No booze. Just a shit tonne of sugar. Which OK, yeah, that's probbaly a drug. And swearing. Not a drug. Fuck, I'm not a saint. Just sober. I’ve tried to write about my sober journey a few times, and it always ends up [...]

By |2020-05-27T08:22:24+09:30May 27th, 2020|Fuck. That. The book., Homepage, Life|Comments Off on Wasting time being wasted.

Not saying sorry when you fuck shit up.

Sometimes I write a lot of stuff. Sometimes, admittedly not very often, I write less stuff. This is one of those times. because some fuck thats just aren’t that complicated. And here goes: If you fuck shit up, own it, and say sorry. And mean it. We all make mistakes. Some, like me, more than [...]

By |2020-05-14T10:09:27+09:30May 14th, 2020|Fuck. That. The book., Homepage, Life|Comments Off on Not saying sorry when you fuck shit up.
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