What the fuck are you doing clicking here? If you need actual information, don’t fucking look at me. What the fuck would I know? Go to the government website or something.

And if you don’t need actual information about how to stay at fucking home, which let’s be honest is basically the least complicated thing you could possibly do, stop fucking clicking on articles and reading shit about it.

If you want to know what’s closed, it’s everything. Everything is closed. Happy now? Stay the fuck home. Unless you need food. Or your house is on fire. Then you can probably go outside. Otherwise, stay the fuck home.

And stop reading depressing articles about how shit the world and life is right now. Go read some poetry or something. I personally love Atticus. It will make you feel good.

Or you can read one of my original works:

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Don’t be a cunt,

Yes I’m talking to you.

Or use your time to do something constructive. Like smoke some crack. Or masturbate. Or a little bit of column a, a little bit of column b.

And here’s a pic of a birdy. It’s a new holland honeyeater looking a bit all over the shop and I think we can all relate. 2020, am I right?

Consider yourself updated.

You’re welcome.



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