RUNNING THROUGH: NEPAL2017-11-10T13:26:12+09:30

In 2012, I went to Nepal to run the Manaslu Mountain Trail Race. To say it didn’t go quite according to plan would be a bit of an understatement. But hey, shit happens, and it made for some fairly interesting videos. Here’s a bunch of ‘webisodes’ about what went up, and down.


[youtube id=”eFd51cTcfGU” width=”800″ height=”500″ autoplay=”” api_params=”” class=””]

Aus Geo Finalist… and how about that.

Rightio, so every year I go along to the Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year finalist exhibition at the SA Museum and think “fuck, how cool would it be to get a finalist?” And most years I enter a few pics with hopeless optimism and get the ‘tough titties your photos are shitty’ email reply. And that’s OK. These competitions suck anyway. You know, unless you actually get a finalist. Then they suck a lot less.

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