The Work Podcast2022-04-22T20:28:46+09:30

A while back a guy called Dan said “Hey Sput, why don’t we do a podcast about advertising and stuff?” and I was like “yeah, sure” thinking he would never follow through and actually do it. But as you can see by the link below… he did. He made me turn up, talk about work that was out there in the marketplace, tell old war stories, and hey bloody presto, here we are.

Dan and I both introduce ourselves in the first episode but the official blurb says “Sputnik and Dan have been fired by more advertising agencies than they can remember. Both working for more than 30 years in the advertising and marketing industries, they started when bromide type was physically output by a machine, sliced up with a scalpel and applied to overlays. These overlays were then photographed by another machine to create artwork which was sent to a newspaper as a print advertisement. Since then a myriad of new technologies moved media into the digital age where both men upgraded their skill sets – albeit Sputnik was once heard to say – “I don’t think this Facebook thing will take off – why would people use it if they already have MySpace”. From Adelaide to Sydney to Hong Kong to Singapore to Cambodia and back to Adelaide we take a look at a journey of advertising awakening from these two communications practitioners whereupon they now find themselves old and cranky and barely employable but happy to comment on and critique others’ work. “The Work” looks at the work from the advertising and wider comms community from around Australia and the world.”

And look, to be perfectly honest, that all seems a bit wanky to me but Dan wrote it, and I’m trying to be nice so I was like “yeah, that sounds great”.

Anyway, you can listen to the podcast below.

Wonder(ing what the fuck I’m doing here)land Trail Run

Now, you may be surprised to hear that other than that, it all went pretty smoothly. I did a decent time. Finished. And, ah, why the fuck is my bottom lip tingling? Then my top lip? Then my whole mouth and it feels like I’ve just been to the dentist which is weird cause it’s more like 3pm although that’s 2:30pm local time in SA which we all know is dentist time. Please don’t make me explain it. OK. Sure. 2:30… tooth hurty. There, I said it.

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