For about five years now, I’ve wanted to write my next book. I’ve had heaps of ideas, heaps of fucking great titles, and even started writing it a few times. But I could never quite get into the groove. I kept feeling like a bit of a fraud. Because the book I wanted to write was about how to live a kick ass life, and honestly, I just didn’t think my life was kick ass enough to be handing out advice.

In fact, let’s be honest, my life is a chaotic fucking mess. Hilarious and fun and eventful and adventurous at times, for sure, but a chaotic fucking mess. 

I’m not rich. I’m not super fit and healthy, I’m not happily married, I can’t tell you how to be a social media influencer who travels the world with other people’s money, and I can’t tell you how to make a million dollars sitting at home in your tracky dacks – if only. 

So what the fuck credentials do I have that give me the right to write this book? None. Precisely, exactly fucking none. Literally 0.00%.

And the more I thought about the ideas I wanted to share, even though I was convinced those ideas were really interesting and powerful and important, the more of a fraud it made me feel.

Well… Fuck. That.

I’m not a fraud. I’m just a guy who’s fucked a bunch of shit up, continues to fuck a bunch of shit up, but is out there having a go. And oh boy have I learned some lessons along the way. 

And learned a shit tonne of things I need to say ‘Fuck. That.’ to. Some of them I’m pretty good at, some of them are very much a work in progress.

I suppose I could wait til I’ve mastered them all before I write my book, but… Fuck. That.

You see where I’m going with this now, right? Exactly.

It’s never too soon to start your own Fuck Thattery. To say ‘Fuck. That.’ to all sorts things that are keeping you down, holding you back, making you miserable, or just stopping you having the fucking awesome life you should be having.

That’s not me suggesting your life isn’t already awesome, by the way. In fact, a big part of this book is about recognising how awesome you already are, and how you can say ‘Fuck. That.’ to any suggestion you’re not. Because… Fuck. That.

So here it is. My next book. Well, the cover anyway. Actually, this probably won’t even be the final cover design. And I could have waited til it was finished and perfect before I shared it with you all, but Fuck. That. I probably should have waited til I’d written the damn thing, but Fuck. That. too!

This is me putting it out there. I’ll be sharing bits I’ll be writing as I go. I’ll probably share so many bits, you won’t have to buy the fucking thing when I eventually finish writing it. Assuming I ever do. Which doesn’t make all that much sense, and if I was way smarter and more mercenary, I’d keep it to myself and do the big ‘ta da’ moment then hope like fuck one or two of you actually buy it so I can buy a sandwich for lunch. But yep, you guessed it… Fuck. That.

To stay in the loop, and be part of my journey exploring what it means to Fuck. That. your way to a more awesome life, sign up below and let’s get this show on the road.


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