Here’s to the misfits. The loners and the weirdos.
Because as difficult as it is at times for those who don’t fit into the world the way it is, it’s those people we rely on to make it different. Better.
So if you don’t feel like you fit or belong, congratulations. Seriously. And if you’re a loner, you’re not alone.
Not fitting in is a sign that you see and experience things differently. And we need more people like you to help change the world.
What value is there in looking around and thinking ‘yep, this all seems fine just the way it is’?
Nope, we need people to see how it could be and how it can’t be any more.
More loners. More weirdos. More misfits. More people to help change the world for the better.
Celebrate your weirdness. And your point of view.
Share your ideas even though they won’t always be welcome.
Lead by example.
Be awesome to each other.
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