Want to know how to be a better person? It’s actually pretty simple: Shut the fuck up.


Sometimes being a better human is as simple as shutting the fuck up about stuff you know nothing about.

Or even stuff you don’t know enough about.

Just because you have an opinion, doesn’t mean it’s any good, or that you have to share it. Especially when sharing it can cause harm.

Thinking of commenting on vaccines? Are you an expert? Do you know what the fuck you’re talking about? No? Shut the fuck up.

Thinking of commenting on Australia Day? Are you an expert? Do you fully understand the issues surrounding it? Have you even bothered reading actual fucking articles about why it’s an issue? No? Shut the fuck up.

Thinking of commenting on that new building in the city? Do you know literally fucking anything about architecture or building buildings? Or town planning and placemaking? No? Shut the fuck up.

Thinking of commenting on that celebrity? Do you know anything about them other than what you’ve read on shit websites? No? Shut the fuck up?

Thinking of commenting on something people didn’t actually ask you to comment on? Shut the fuck up.

Saying, “I quite like Australia Day where it is” is actually OK. Knowing what you personally do and don’t like is something you’re an expert on. Fair enough.

Even saying ” I don’t understand why we should move it” is OK. You’re also an expert on knowing what you do and don’t understand and asking questions is a beautiful thing. It’s how we learn.

But definitely file “moving it is stupid” and all its variations under ‘Shut the fuck up’. Saying “I think” before “moving it is stupid” and saying “it’s just my opinion and I’m entitled to it” is not a get out of jail free card either. See above and shut the fuck up.

Saying “I don’t feel entirely comfortable taking a brand new vaccine” is cool. It’s about how you feel. Coming up with some bullshit conspiracy theory about it? Nope, shut the fuck up.

Saying “I don’t really like the look of that proposed building”? Also fine, because you’re commenting on your personal taste. Saying “That building is shit” is a shut the fuck up.

Yes, there’s a difference. And again, adding “I think” or “I feel” in front of something does not make whatever comes next OK.

Although if you’re one of those people, I definitely think you should shut the fuck up. And as a matter of fact, I do know a bit about this sort of thing. And yes, from time to time, I should also take my own advice.

The bottom line is, if you haven’t put in the work to understand an issue, if you’re not informed or educated or even vaguely fucking interested enough to google a few articles about something so you can understand it better before you comment, (like why you can say “oh having an indigenous art gallery is reverse racism” when actually, ‘reverse racism’ isn’t a fucking thing), then please, shut the fuck up.

You’re welcome.