It seems one of the catch cries of the time we find ourselves in right now is “but I’m entitled to my opinion” which, more often than not, roughly translated, means “I’m an asshole and don’t give a fuck about your feelings”. Because if someone told you they were upset by something you’d said and you actually gave a fuck about their feelings, it’s not what you’d say, right?

If your mum, (assuming you actually like your mum), told you she was upset by something you’d said, would you let rip with “but I’m entitled to my opinion?” Or would you perhaps go with something a little more… diplomatic? Respectful? Caring?

Because while you’re entitled to have your opinion, you’re also entitled to shut the fuck up about it if it’s disrespectful or hurtful, and especially if it’s harmful. Even at the ‘harmless’ end of the scale, you should certainly feel free to shut the fuck up about it if sharing it is, at best, pointless.

Social media is a classic for it, and I’m tired of seeing people asking for advice on one topic, only to have people add a completely fucking irrelevant piece of advice. The latest one I saw was this:

“Does anyone know where I can find <insert thing> near where I live?” to which more than one person added “Move”. Seriously? What the actual fuck? Why would someone even say that? Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not like it’s particularly disrespectful or hurtful, it is, however completely pointless and just plain fucking dumb.

Commenting on posts is not obligatory. If you haven’t got anything useful to add, please do not feel compelled to add something useless. Or worse. Because sharing may be caring, but when it comes to opinions, and at times, advice, the opposite is definitely true.

Think it if you want. But don’t feel obliged to share it.


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PIC: This pic was taken at Banrock Station Wetlands, South Australia.