Longest Word Search Book in the World


Only 1 left in stock

If you’re into word searches, you’ll probably really like this book. It’s probably not all that practical being so big and all, but whatevs. Give it to someone as a gift and it’ll be their fucking problem.

NOTE: May or may not still be the longest wordsearch book in the world. There may be a longer one now. And if there is, it will probably be in Dubai.

NOTE: This book is now a collector’s item. Apparently. *shrugs*

Only 1 left in stock



It says on the back “It’s fabulous, fun, and very, very long!” and surely they’re just taking the piss with that description, aren’t they? Apparently there are nearly 700 film stars hidden in this puzzle book. And at 6m long it’s the length of two fully grown elephants.

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