Look, I get it. Change can be weird. And confusing. And uncomfortable.
And sometimes, if it has sweet fuck all to do with you, it can seem unnecessary.
If you’re not trans, for example, why would you give a flying fuck about trans rights? Maybe you’re a good person who cares about things like equality and social justice, otherwise it won’t affect you one little bit, right? So it’s understandable if you have zero fucks to give about such things.
In fact, there’s bound to be heaps of shit in the world, that someone, or group of someones, somewhere, thinks should change, that you don’t understand or give a rat’s arse about. And that’s cool. Because you don’t fucking have to. What you do have to do, is get the fuck out of the way.
Before you dig your heels in on this because suddenly that historical statue, that cheese brand, or even that national day has now become a non-negotiable for you, maybe take a deep breath and ask yourself this simple question: what the fuck is it to you?
Seriously, how will your life be different if the thing you don’t want to change does change?
Will your life be suddenly less than if that cheese company is no longer called ‘Coon’? No one’s trying to ban cheese. Thank fuck. Because cheese is pretty excellent. (Actually, that’s not entirely true. Vegans would like to ban cheese and I would be sad about that. But I would roll with it. Because cows are people too.)
And do you need to pay for the new cheese logo and packaging? Or will you just go to the supermarket and buy the exact same fucking cheese that’s simply called something different? In which case, when someone says “you should probably change the name of that cheese brand”, instead of getting all worked up about how that’s ridiculous, how about you just shut the fuck up?
Even if you’re patriotic, and you like the idea of Australia Day, if moving it to some other time and calling it something different and yes, you still get a day off, is important enough to someone else, how about instead of getting your knickers in a knot, you just shut the fuck up? Have a holiday on a different day. No history has been erased. No one’s accusing you personally, or your ancestors, of killing first nations people, but you know, we just have a different day off and suck it up, ironically, like we think they should so we don’t have to move a holiday.
You don’t have to love these things. You don’t even have to understand them. But if it’s not gonna make a massive difference, a big difference, or even much of a difference to you at all, beyond giving you a chance to have a massive fucking whinge, how about you, yeah, you guessed it, just shut the fuck up?
It’s really not that complicated. And it shouldn’t be that difficult. You literally just shut your fucking mouth. Or more importantly, stop your little fucking fingers typing shit on social media. (And yes, I admit, that stuff is actually difficult for me to do a lot of the time. So don’t bother pointing out the irony. Again.)
Yes, it’s easy to think you’re making some sort of important point or protecting your freedoms or some shit when really what you’re doing is being a dick, but when you resisting change comes at someone else’s more legitimate expense, fuck. that.
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