My Services2018-04-26T17:26:12+09:30
  • MC/Speaker/Mentor (Marketing Week, International Business Week, New Venture Institute, Mass Challenge, MEGA – Mobile Entertainment Group Alliance, SAYES – Youth Entrepreneur Scheme)
  • Copywriter/Creative Director (Clemenger BBDO, Leo Burnett, Ogilvy, Bates)
  • Columnist/Guest Blogger (Travel Play Live magazine, Trail Run Mag AUS/NZ, MADtown, Independent Weekly, Radio ABC891)
  • Marketing/Business Strategist (limited availability)

If you’d like to chat about doing something, please contact me for more information.

Reflecting on the year that was.

I know people have been posting about all sorts of things for New Years, from matchy matchy outfits to the parties they went to, the nice places they were, wrap ups of the year, sometimes their most popular social posts, and quite often some sort of outlook for the year ahead. Also, for obvious reasons, there's been more than a few 'thank fuck that's over' sentiments because let's be honest, the last few years have been a lot. In so many ways. For so many people.

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