21 reasons why you don’t need to lose your shit about no longer being able to climb Uluru.

  I've been to Uluru twice in the past few years and had an absolutely epic time. Here's how I managed to somehow, miraculously do that without ever feeling the need to climb it. So if you're losing your shit about no longer being able to climb Uluru, here's a few things you might want [...]

By |2019-07-17T11:40:32+09:30July 16th, 2019|Adventure, Current Affairs, Homepage, Life, News|Comments Off on 21 reasons why you don’t need to lose your shit about no longer being able to climb Uluru.

Rainbow Running.

A few weeks back, I made a last minute decision to run the Murray Bridge Half Marathon with a massive rainbow flag. It wasn't something I dreamed up over time and planned meticulously to be some comprehensive campaign. It was originally a one-off thing born of frustration that people in the LGBTIQ community are constantly, [...]

By |2019-08-18T14:50:57+09:30July 16th, 2019|Current Affairs, Homepage, Life, News, Running|Comments Off on Rainbow Running.

How my gaiters changed my life.

Anyone who knows me knows I’m scared of lots of stuff including all sorts of creepy crawlies… and snakes. Especially snakes. Australia has twelve of the top ten most dangerous snakes in the world, and I’m scared of all 172 of them. Even the ones that aren’t dangerous. 

They scare the absolute shit out of [...]

By |2019-07-16T19:20:26+09:30July 7th, 2019|Adventure, Homepage, Life, News, Running|Comments Off on How my gaiters changed my life.
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