Ducklings are awesome.

It's spring and we all know what that means... ducklings! And fuck yeah! I live right near a river, so I get to see the ducks most days, and right now, there are baby ducklings everywhere. So if you're looking for something to do, find your local river or pond or lake or stream where [...]

By |2019-10-06T09:31:35+09:30October 6th, 2019|Adventure, Birds, Homepage, Life, News, South Australia, Stuff I Think Is Awesome Right Now|Comments Off on Ducklings are awesome.

Between a bike and hard place. (Everyone hates cyclists. Even other cyclists.)

The human defined season of spring may have started about a month ago, but natural, mother nature's spring really kicked in this week when she was good and ready, with some glorious sunny days. So I’ve taken the opportunity to ditch the car and ride my bike to work these past few days. I’m lucky [...]

By |2019-10-02T09:56:06+09:30October 2nd, 2019|Homepage, Life|Comments Off on Between a bike and hard place. (Everyone hates cyclists. Even other cyclists.)
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