How Durianrider became my No 1 fan.

All good stories have an unexpected plot twist in them, that part you simply didn’t see coming. Like in Dusk til Dawn when all of a sudden there's vampires and what the actual fuck? (Sorry, no spoiler alert cause if you haven't seen it by now tough shit. Also, Darth is Luke's dad.) But even [...]

By |2020-02-21T07:53:28+09:30January 26th, 2020|Life, News|Comments Off on How Durianrider became my No 1 fan.

Setting the record straight: I refuse to be a victim.

OK, here goes: As a few of you may know from other social media channels, I have become the latest target of a well known sociopath who has a long and public track record of attempting to destroy people's lives. That sounds a bit dramatic, but it's sadly 100% accurate. Some of this person's actions [...]

By |2020-01-20T22:33:45+09:30January 20th, 2020|Current Affairs, Homepage, Life, News|Comments Off on Setting the record straight: I refuse to be a victim.

Bushfire Fundraisers for Runners

So we all know how completely messed up the Aussie bushfires are. Lives and property lost, environment decimated, animals and potentially entire species gone forever. We're all doing what we can in our own way, at whatever level we can. I know we're all being bombarded with fundraisers left, right and centre and there's only [...]

By |2020-01-18T12:42:43+09:30January 8th, 2020|Adventure, Current Affairs, Homepage, News, Running, South Australia, Travel|Comments Off on Bushfire Fundraisers for Runners

The Joy of being a Grinch.

I'm not really a fan of being called a 'grinch' just because I don't celebrate western Christmas or even the Gregorian New Year. I'm not particularly offended by it, mind you, but I also don't love it. Each to their own. And for as long as I can remember, I've just not really been one [...]

By |2020-01-03T14:18:33+09:30January 3rd, 2020|Birds, Homepage, Life|Comments Off on The Joy of being a Grinch.
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