
  Fuck I hate hypocrites. Even if I'm one myself at times. Meh, it happens. I tell people to be kind, but also tell people to fuck off. Hey, we all have our moments. And sometimes, compared to what I'd really like to say, a run of the mill 'fuck off' is me being kind. [...]

By |2020-08-26T14:01:14+09:30August 26th, 2020|Fuck. That. The book., Homepage, Life|Comments Off on Hypocrites

Armchair experts & hindsight fortune tellers

It’s pretty easy to know the winning lottery numbers after the lottery’s already been drawn. Knowing shit after it’s already happened doesn’t make you clever. Or a psychic. Or a strategist. Or anything other than someone who states the fucking obvious. No one knows what’s going to happen next. Literally no one. Even with all [...]

By |2020-08-05T08:59:51+09:30August 5th, 2020|Fuck. That. The book., Homepage, Life|Comments Off on Armchair experts & hindsight fortune tellers
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