The Federation Choose Your Own Route & Distance Ultra

After last week’s run up and down Mt Ramarkably Fucking Rocky, I was looking forward to a relatively flat, smooth and straight forward run out at the Fed Ultra. As fucking if. Also, to be clear, I was running the 25 which is most definitely not an ultra, but that’s what it’s called so I’m [...]

By |2021-08-15T20:20:12+09:30August 15th, 2021|Homepage, Running, Running Event Reviews, South Australia|Comments Off on The Federation Choose Your Own Route & Distance Ultra

Melrose Rock Running Festival

In the good old days when I was less fat I used to just sign up for every race I could, but these days I’m much more selective and criteria usually involve things like “where would I like to go to spend a few days?” and “what am I completely unprepared and under trained for?” [...]

By |2021-08-12T08:10:27+09:30August 11th, 2021|Homepage, Running, Running Event Reviews, South Australia|Comments Off on Melrose Rock Running Festival
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