Rockleigh105 (but actually 65) Gravelfest – and my ass really hurts.

When I first fucked my ankle a bunch of years ago, I bought a mountain bike thinking that might be my new thing that only required one good leg. I entered a couple of events, but was completely shithouse at it. I entered Adventurethon in WA and when I hit a sand trap at 30km/hr [...]

By |2021-09-13T18:47:09+09:30September 13th, 2021|Homepage, Running, Running Event Reviews, South Australia|Comments Off on Rockleigh105 (but actually 65) Gravelfest – and my ass really hurts.

Gock Cobblers Creek

I sign up for Cobblers Creek and decide to continue my tradition of putting stupid names on my race bib and enter as ‘Assnugget’ and it’s only after I’ve pressed ‘enter’ I think Cock Gobbler would have been more appropriate because… Cobblers Creek and all that. Or maybe I could have gone with Gock Cobbler [...]

By |2021-09-05T15:16:58+09:30September 5th, 2021|Homepage, Running, Running Event Reviews, South Australia|Comments Off on Gock Cobblers Creek
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