OK good folks of the internet, here’s the dealio. When people fuck up, or shit goes tits up, the new buzz word is ‘pivot’. We don’t ‘fail’, we ‘pivot’. We change things up. Most importantly, we don’t fucking quit. We dust ourselves off, adjust ourselves, and take off in a new direction.

My new direction is AWESOME UNLIMITED.

A while back, I championed the idea of doing a book for women adventurers celebrating all kinds of awesome under the ‘Awesome Unlimited’ theme. And we’re still doing that. But fuck it, the idea is bigger than that, so I’m going big. Well, big-ish. And by that, I mean probably not big at all, but I’m gonna have a crack. And if it all goes pear shaped, fuck it, I’ll just ‘pivot’ again. Because who doesn’t love a good pivot, right?

So first cab off the rank is still the book. I said we’d do it, so we will. But the new flagship event will be an, ah, event. Obviously. I’m calling it Awesome August. Because it’s in August. And it will be Awesome. Hopefully. Or maybe I’ll call it August Unlimited. Does it really even matter? It’s in August and it’s about being awesome, so you can call it whatever the fuck you like I suppose?

And here’s how it works: It’s one of those virtual events. In other words, there is actually no event. You do your own event. Which saves me doing one. The kicker is, the event is whatever the fuck you want it to be. Because who am I to put limits on what is and isn’t awesome, right? Which is the true spirit of AWESOME UNLIMITED. Make your own rules. And live beyond expectation. (That’s the official manifesto by the way. Because you know what I say to living by shitty rules and expectations that stop you being more awesome? Fuck. That. Let me hear an ‘amen’. Or just another ‘Yes, Fuck. That.’ will do actually because this isn’t church.)

Please know, this isn’t some bullshit ‘every player wins a prize’ event for entitled people who just want shit for nothing. It’s just that you set your own rules. And I trust you. I believe in you. I reckon you’re probably already pretty awesome, but more importantly, capable of being a bit more awesome. Not compared to me. Or that other person. But compared to the right now version of you.

And that’s what I think life is all about. All kinds of awesome. Your kind of awesome. And always trying to up the awesome level, even if it’s just a little bit. Because every little bit of awesome counts. So I’d like to give you a gentle shove in the right direction. (Or a giant kick up the fucking arse if that is what is required.) In whatever direction that is for you.

Full event details and sign up are now available here.

PHOTO: Taken near Rob Roy Glacier in New Zealand.