About Sputnik

Just making this thing called life up as I go along. Trying to steer clear of ordinary whenever I can. Mostly I'm thinking about stuff, writing about stuff, and taking pictures of stuff. I believe in the Relentless Pursuit of Wow. And that Awesome is Possible.

Running for less in South Australia – low & no cost events.

One of the things I’ve always loved about running is how simple and accessible it is to everyone as far as sports go. All you need is some clothes, (depending on where you run, I guess), and a pair of running shoes, (again, maybe, maybe not), and off you go. Sure, plenty of us get [...]

By |2018-08-12T20:57:28+09:30February 6th, 2018|Running|Comments Off on Running for less in South Australia – low & no cost events.

Moments. That’s all there ever is.

Moments. That's all there is. Lots and lots of moments all joined together. Moments are there whether you recognise them or not. Most of them just slip on by because they’re 'ordinary'. We usually only notice the really good ones. Or the bad ones. (And boy are we good at that!) And for the most [...]

By |2018-04-23T09:58:54+09:30February 1st, 2018|Goals, Life, News, Photography|Comments Off on Moments. That’s all there ever is.

How I did a three day road trip for less than $50

It’s easy to look at people’s adventures on social media and get all wistful and wish you could do this or that. And that kind of Wanderlust gets a bit fuckity if it makes you feel like you’re missing out on something by focusing on the shit you can’t do, rather than excited about what [...]

By |2018-04-23T09:58:49+09:30January 24th, 2018|Adventure, Life, News, Travel|Comments Off on How I did a three day road trip for less than $50

Why we should move Australia Day even though we shouldn’t.

At the risk of sounding like a pompous twat, (more than usual, I mean), in recent weeks I’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time pondering this fundamental question: How the fuck do we find middle ground, how do we find harmony, whilst respecting another person's, or group's, right to have completely different opinions and beliefs [...]

By |2018-04-23T09:59:07+09:30January 21st, 2018|Current Affairs, Life, News|Comments Off on Why we should move Australia Day even though we shouldn’t.

Resistance to change. (And why I like turtles more than balloons.)

Resistance to change is such a fascinating phenomena. We see it in all sorts of ways and places. I'm not immune to it myself. We all have things we like or are attached to. But at some point, if we want 'things' to be different, we can't just sit and hope and pray, (if that's [...]

By |2018-04-23T09:59:15+09:30January 16th, 2018|Adventure, Current Affairs, Life, Travel|Comments Off on Resistance to change. (And why I like turtles more than balloons.)

An Ode to Political Correctness.

(First published on Facebook on 23 December, 2016) My final ode to the notion of 'political correctness' (or as I like to call it 'being nice to people'), for the year. Sometimes, I think thoughts at the weirdest of times, like when I'm riding my bike or walking or running or in the shower or, [...]

By |2018-04-23T09:59:34+09:30December 29th, 2017|Business, Current Affairs, Life, News|Comments Off on An Ode to Political Correctness.

Where did all the Common Sense go?

We all know politics doesn't necessarily match up well with common sense. And the latest citizenship debacle here in Australia is an epic case of exactly that. The law that is in place, that politicians can't be dual citizens, is clearly no longer relevant in the way it was intended to be when first introduced [...]

By |2018-04-23T10:00:33+09:30November 14th, 2017|Business, Current Affairs, Life, News|Comments Off on Where did all the Common Sense go?

Is horse racing our bullfighting?

This week we saw the 157th running of Australia's biggest horse race - The Melbourne Cup. Most years, statistically speaking, the day of celebration, the 'race that stops the nation', stops at least one horse dead in its tracks. Literally. And while this year was no exception with a horse being killed as a result [...]

By |2018-04-23T10:00:43+09:30November 10th, 2017|Current Affairs, Life, News|Comments Off on Is horse racing our bullfighting?

Why I couldn’t climb Uluru.

How often have you caught yourself saying "I've always wanted to do that" or "I've always wanted to go there" but never really stopped to think about what it would take to make it happen? For me personally, I do it all the time. Whenever someone would mention Uluru, or I'd be overseas and someone [...]

By |2018-04-23T09:59:45+09:30November 3rd, 2017|Adventure, Current Affairs, Life, Travel|Comments Off on Why I couldn’t climb Uluru.
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