Ducklings are awesome.

It's spring and we all know what that means... ducklings! And fuck yeah! I live right near a river, so I get to see the ducks most days, and right now, there are baby ducklings everywhere. So if you're looking for something to do, find your local river or pond or lake or stream where [...]

By |2019-10-06T09:31:35+09:30October 6th, 2019|Adventure, Birds, Homepage, Life, News, South Australia, Stuff I Think Is Awesome Right Now|Comments Off on Ducklings are awesome.

Scarlet Robins are complete assholes.

Many years ago, like a fucking eternity ago, I studied with Tony Robbins over in America, and one of the things I always remember, along with how to walk on fire of course, a skill that hasn’t come in as handy as I had hoped, was a thing he taught about when someone makes a [...]

By |2019-08-18T14:49:47+09:30August 18th, 2019|Birds, Homepage, Life, News, Photography|Comments Off on Scarlet Robins are complete assholes.
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