A Challenge to Men

  In the wake of the Eurydice Dixon rape and murder here in Australia, the spotlight is well and truly on the issue of violence against women by men. So here's my challenge to the men in my network, actual friends or otherwise: Challenge #1: Actually read this fucking post. Even if it's a bit [...]

By |2018-06-20T20:21:43+09:30June 20th, 2018|Current Affairs, Life, News, Violence Against Women|Comments Off on A Challenge to Men

Hey men, let’s do this.

A woman friend of mine (sorry to differentiate, but it's relevant), just told me that she'd only seen a grand total of three of her male friends post something supportive about the Eurydice Dixon rape and murder and, by extension, domestic violence against women, by men. (Even though yes, we understand that specific crime, wasn't [...]

By |2018-06-20T20:22:44+09:30June 20th, 2018|Current Affairs, Life, News, Violence Against Women|Comments Off on Hey men, let’s do this.

A personal message to women everywhere.

[10 minute read] This is a message from me as a man, to you as a woman. I’ve always known we were equal, something you’ve had to fight hard to achieve. Something you’re still fighting hard for, most likely in ways I’ll never even fully understand or appreciate. I don’t know if it was the [...]

By |2018-07-01T12:09:28+09:30June 16th, 2018|Current Affairs, Life, News, Violence Against Women|Comments Off on A personal message to women everywhere.

The Myth of Fitting In.

[3 minute read] I love reality talent shows like The Voice and American Idol, especially the audition rounds, and I’m not afraid to admit it. I love the singing. Sometimes I love the judges. And I love the stories. Oh, do I love the stories. The tears, the orphans, the cancer survivors… every feel good [...]

By |2018-07-01T12:10:17+09:30April 20th, 2018|Current Affairs, Goals, Life|Comments Off on The Myth of Fitting In.

Me, Social Media & ‘Getting Over It’.

[5 minute read] My uneasy relationship with social media is no secret. It's like a destructive love relationship where your partner has some great qualities you love and are attracted to, but also some terrible ones that make you miserable. And it's "too good to leave, too bad to stay". (Perhaps some of you know [...]

By |2018-07-01T12:10:03+09:30April 12th, 2018|Current Affairs, Life, News|Comments Off on Me, Social Media & ‘Getting Over It’.

Don’t let hate be louder than love.

  Based on what most people see around them in the world, it would be easy to believe it’s a terrible, negative place filled with anger and hate. But that’s not necessarily the case. Not that those things don’t exist, of course they do. It’s just that they’re so fucking loud, you could certainly be [...]

By |2018-08-14T06:56:14+09:30April 2nd, 2018|Current Affairs, Life, News|Comments Off on Don’t let hate be louder than love.

Are we asking the right questions?

There's been plenty of questions in the wake of the Australian cricket team's ball tampering incident. But are they right ones? Or at least the most important ones? I have a few of my own, and here they are: Why is everyone so shocked that good people make mistakes? (Have you never made a terrible [...]

By |2018-04-23T09:58:18+09:30March 30th, 2018|Current Affairs, Life, News|Comments Off on Are we asking the right questions?

The problem with role models. (Is us, not them.)

There’s been so much said about the Australian Cricket Team cheating incident, I’m loathe to jump on the bandwagon and add my two cents worth. So instead of talking about cheating, I’d like to talk about role models. And our own expectations. It makes perfect sense to me that we might look at someone who [...]

By |2018-04-23T10:01:18+09:30March 28th, 2018|Current Affairs, Life|Comments Off on The problem with role models. (Is us, not them.)

One Less Mess.

We've all heard about how much of an issue single use plastic in particular is in terms of litter and the environment. But I think we're fairly well 'insulated' from the impacts of it in places like Australia where we clean it up pretty well, and hide it away from sight. So it's easy to [...]

By |2018-03-31T12:56:13+09:30March 20th, 2018|Current Affairs, Life, News, Projects|Comments Off on One Less Mess.
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