Aus Geo Finalist… and how about that.

Rightio, so every year I go along to the Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year finalist exhibition at the SA Museum and think “fuck, how cool would it be to get a finalist?” And most years I enter a few pics with hopeless optimism and get the ‘tough titties your photos are shitty’ email reply. And that’s OK. These competitions suck anyway. You know, unless you actually get a finalist. Then they suck a lot less.

By |2023-06-12T12:57:22+09:30June 12th, 2023|Birds, Homepage, News, Photography, South Australia|Comments Off on Aus Geo Finalist… and how about that.

Scarlet Robins are complete assholes.

Many years ago, like a fucking eternity ago, I studied with Tony Robbins over in America, and one of the things I always remember, along with how to walk on fire of course, a skill that hasn’t come in as handy as I had hoped, was a thing he taught about when someone makes a [...]

By |2019-08-18T14:49:47+09:30August 18th, 2019|Birds, Homepage, Life, News, Photography|Comments Off on Scarlet Robins are complete assholes.

Art. Success. Money. Validation. Pop music. And your ‘internal barometer’.

A while back I presented to a bunch of young entrepreneurs and suggested that money was a terrible way to measure success. And I honestly believe that. I’ve since added that it’s a pretty fucking excellent way to pay the rent though, so I don’t for a second mean to suggest money is completely unimportant. [...]

By |2019-08-18T14:50:48+09:30August 15th, 2019|Goals, Homepage, Life, News, Photography|Comments Off on Art. Success. Money. Validation. Pop music. And your ‘internal barometer’.

Moments. That’s all there ever is.

Moments. That's all there is. Lots and lots of moments all joined together. Moments are there whether you recognise them or not. Most of them just slip on by because they’re 'ordinary'. We usually only notice the really good ones. Or the bad ones. (And boy are we good at that!) And for the most [...]

By |2018-04-23T09:58:54+09:30February 1st, 2018|Goals, Life, News, Photography|Comments Off on Moments. That’s all there ever is.

Taking photos & making memories.

I know there's one school of thought that says, when you're out there living life you should put your damn camera away and just take it all in. And fair enough too. We've all seen people 'watching' concerts through their smart phones instead of being in the moment. So I completely understand why people say [...]

By |2017-11-10T13:26:28+09:30March 31st, 2017|Adventure, Goals, Life, Photography, Travel|Comments Off on Taking photos & making memories.
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