OK, so stick with me on this one. Because this one’s pretty topical to right now, and it’s basically two fuck that’s in one. And they’re both absolute opposites. But both absolutely fucking true. Yes, opposites can be true. If you think they can’t, you’re wrong. So actually, consider that another bonus fuck that.
The first official fuck that, though, is complaining about irrelevant shit. I mean, seriously, fuck that. If you’re complaining about how your fancy coffee isn’t hot enough while people are starving in Africa, fuck that.
I could rattle off ten thousand different examples of the things we all have a sook about that probably aren’t sook-worthy.
We’ve all heard it: First World Problems. Nothing new about this idea. But reality checks are a beautiful thing. So is perspective. There are many days we’d label as ‘bad’, ‘terrible’ or even ‘fucked’, that other people would give anything to have.
Some people would love to be alive for just another day. And there we are saying how terrible it is that we broke a nail. Or how that person who cut us off in traffic totally ruined our day. Well, fuck. that.
But. And here’s the kicker for this one. Telling people their problems aren’t important, dismissing them as ‘First World Problems’ like I just did, is also bullshit.
Problems are relative. And some relatives are problems. But that’s beside the point.
If you’re a regular fucking MacGyver, chances are you can be hit with all sorts of problems and just fucking breeze right through them as you repair your broken down car with nothing more than a matchbox and a booger.
On the other hand, if you’re struggling for some reason, and something some other person might consider inconsequential is the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back for you, then who the fuck am I to say it’s not a real problem. That you’re being ridiculous. Or soft. fuck. that.
So yeah, perspective is a beautiful thing. And so is not being a judgmental fuck.
It’s not a competition. You’ve got your problems. I’ve got mine. If you’re struggling, that’s all that matters. If you can only handle one problem at a time, and someone else can handle 1,000 without so much as an eyebrow raise, then two problems for you is worse then 100 for them. Plain and fucking simple.
By all means do a stocktake. If you can perspective your way through your own problems, that’s fucking awesome. But don’t judge someone else who can’t.
Because anyone who tells anyone else their problems aren’t problemy enough almost certainly need to shut the fuck up.
There’s literally no reason for you to have a problem with someone’s else’s problems.
fuck. that.
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