Let's fucking do this people. Let's make a difference. To whatever it is that's important to you. The environment. The animals. Equity. Social Justice. Whatever. Someone has to. Why not us? Why not now? I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't love the design of these socks, but I liked the message, so here they are. 1% of the sale of these socks supports the humanitarian work of Doctors Without Borders.
I know your kids probably aren't really assholes, but... or maybe they are? Who knows? Not me. Maybe they're great kids and you love them to bits but they just annoy the fuck out of you sometimes. Which is completely fine. Because they're kids. That's their job. I have one. He's awesome. But fuck. me. He sure did have his moments. 1% of the sale of these socks supports the humanitarian work of Doctors Without Borders.
Saw these, and thought "fuck yes!". I tried being normal once. I really did. I had a normal hair cut. I had an actual job. And I tried to do normal things. It just didn't work out. I think you can probably be normal and be an awesome person, but it's really not for me. If it's not for you either, maybe these socks are for you. 1% of the sale of these socks supports the humanitarian work of Doctors Without Borders.
Now I know what you're thinking, "but you're not a girl" and, well, yes. I mean, no. But Britney sang that song saying she's not a girl, and she is a girl, so anyway, socks. These are socks. For girls. Or women. Or anyone who believes in mother fucking girl power. Which includes me. 1% of the sale of these socks supports the humanitarian work of Doctors Without Borders.
Anyone who knows me will know these socks are close to my heart. I mean, technically they're close to my feet, but you know what I mean. I basically decided to stock these because I wanted a pair for myself. I don't really need to say anything else about them do I? You know the deal: love who you love. 1% of the sale of these socks supports the humanitarian work of Doctors Without Borders.
Fucking oath it does. Unless it's raining. Or really cold. Or super hot. Or there's snakes. Jokes. Outside is always awesome. Except the danger noodles. If you love being outside as much as I do, get these on your footsies. 1% of the sale of these socks supports the humanitarian work of Doctors Without Borders.
Everyone knows cats are assholes, and cat people are fine I guess, but... dogssss! Dog people, these are for you. And specifically, for your feet. Wear them when you're walking your dog, patting your dog, throwing a stick for you dog... you get the idea. 1% of the sale of these socks supports the humanitarian work of Doctors Without Borders.
There's literally no way I have to say anything about these socks is there? They're super fucking awesome. End. Of. Story. And oh yeah, they're ankle socks. Unless you're super fucking short in which case they may come up to your knees. 1% of the sale of these socks supports the humanitarian work of Doctors Without Borders.
So, not mentioning any names, but I know a person who I'd describe as a "delicate fucking flower" and I thought these socks would be perfect for them. And I figured if I knew someone who'd like 'em maybe you might too. So instead of just buying a pair for them I bought a bunch of them for any other delicate fucking flowers out there. You're welcome. 1% of the sale of these socks supports the humanitarian work of Doctors Without Borders.
Sale!If adventure is your soul mate, this is the Tank for you. This Tank was sourced from hand-picked factories with safe, fair, legal and humane working conditions. Patch fabric sourced from Cambodia and sewn in Vietnam. Tank print hand drawn in Adelaide and printed in Sydney, Australia. This is an Awesome Adventure Chick Tshirt.
Sale!If adventure is your soul mate, this is the Tshirt for you. This Tshirt was sourced from hand-picked factories with safe, fair, legal and humane working conditions. Patch fabric sourced from Cambodia and sewn in Vietnam. Tshirt print hand drawn in Adelaide and printed in Sydney, Australia. This is an Awesome Adventure Chick Tshirt.