Being afraid of stupid shit.

I was chatting to someone the other day about the things I’d written so far, and I acknowledged just how contradictory most of them had been. Fuck first world problems. But also, fuck pretending your problems aren’t still problems. Fuck being aimless. But also, fuck goals that make you feel like shit. Fuck the shit [...]

By |2020-04-30T17:25:57+09:30April 30th, 2020|Fuck. That. The book., Homepage, Life|Comments Off on Being afraid of stupid shit.

Shit times are completely shit.

  We all get a bit of a mixed fucking bag at times, don’t we? Good times. Shit times. The whole enchilada. It’s pretty easy for most of us to accept that good times sometimes come with a side serving of shit. But it’s cool, things are good. We decide which bits we pay attention [...]

By |2020-04-30T17:27:04+09:30April 11th, 2020|Fuck. That. The book., Homepage, Life|Comments Off on Shit times are completely shit.
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