About Sputnik

Just making this thing called life up as I go along. Trying to steer clear of ordinary whenever I can. Mostly I'm thinking about stuff, writing about stuff, and taking pictures of stuff. I believe in the Relentless Pursuit of Wow. And that Awesome is Possible.

Armchair experts & hindsight fortune tellers

It’s pretty easy to know the winning lottery numbers after the lottery’s already been drawn. Knowing shit after it’s already happened doesn’t make you clever. Or a psychic. Or a strategist. Or anything other than someone who states the fucking obvious. No one knows what’s going to happen next. Literally no one. Even with all [...]

By |2020-08-05T08:59:51+09:30August 5th, 2020|Fuck. That. The book., Homepage, Life|Comments Off on Armchair experts & hindsight fortune tellers

Sharing your stupid fucking opinions.

I’ve been thinking quite a bit about the “I’m entitled to my opinion” defence lately. And whilst usually I just think “yeah, you’re entitled to shove it up your fucking arse”, I’ve really been doing my best to come up with something a little more insightful, although probably not all that much more useful. And [...]

By |2020-06-29T20:12:19+09:30June 29th, 2020|Fuck. That. The book., Homepage, Life|Comments Off on Sharing your stupid fucking opinions.

Forgetting about ‘The Who’.

When the same sex marriage debate was in full swing a few years back, something happened that literally changed my life. I called an old work colleague of mine a ‘homophobic cunt’. Actually, I didn’t just call him that, I took a photo he’d posted with some bullshit “I’m against same sex marriage” frame on [...]

By |2020-06-22T17:49:21+09:30June 22nd, 2020|Fuck. That. The book., Homepage, Life|Comments Off on Forgetting about ‘The Who’.

Being a fuckhead about change.

Look, I get it. Change can be weird. And confusing. And uncomfortable. And sometimes, if it has sweet fuck all to do with you, it can seem unnecessary. If you’re not trans, for example, why would you give a flying fuck about trans rights? Maybe you’re a good person who cares about things like equality [...]

By |2020-06-16T18:47:39+09:30June 16th, 2020|Fuck. That. The book., Homepage, Life|Comments Off on Being a fuckhead about change.

Wasting time being wasted.

I’m coming up on 13 years Livin’ La Vida Sober. No drugs. No booze. Just a shit tonne of sugar. Which OK, yeah, that's probbaly a drug. And swearing. Not a drug. Fuck, I'm not a saint. Just sober. I’ve tried to write about my sober journey a few times, and it always ends up [...]

By |2020-05-27T08:22:24+09:30May 27th, 2020|Fuck. That. The book., Homepage, Life|Comments Off on Wasting time being wasted.

Not saying sorry when you fuck shit up.

Sometimes I write a lot of stuff. Sometimes, admittedly not very often, I write less stuff. This is one of those times. because some fuck thats just aren’t that complicated. And here goes: If you fuck shit up, own it, and say sorry. And mean it. We all make mistakes. Some, like me, more than [...]

By |2020-05-14T10:09:27+09:30May 14th, 2020|Fuck. That. The book., Homepage, Life|Comments Off on Not saying sorry when you fuck shit up.

Being afraid of stupid shit.

I was chatting to someone the other day about the things I’d written so far, and I acknowledged just how contradictory most of them had been. Fuck first world problems. But also, fuck pretending your problems aren’t still problems. Fuck being aimless. But also, fuck goals that make you feel like shit. Fuck the shit [...]

By |2020-04-30T17:25:57+09:30April 30th, 2020|Fuck. That. The book., Homepage, Life|Comments Off on Being afraid of stupid shit.

Shit times are completely shit.

  We all get a bit of a mixed fucking bag at times, don’t we? Good times. Shit times. The whole enchilada. It’s pretty easy for most of us to accept that good times sometimes come with a side serving of shit. But it’s cool, things are good. We decide which bits we pay attention [...]

By |2020-04-30T17:27:04+09:30April 11th, 2020|Fuck. That. The book., Homepage, Life|Comments Off on Shit times are completely shit.

Having problems with problems.

  OK, so stick with me on this one. Because this one’s pretty topical to right now, and it’s basically two fuck that’s in one. And they’re both absolute opposites. But both absolutely fucking true. Yes, opposites can be true. If you think they can’t, you’re wrong. So actually, consider that another bonus fuck that. [...]

By |2020-04-30T17:27:27+09:30March 29th, 2020|Fuck. That. The book., Homepage, Life|Comments Off on Having problems with problems.
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