Was ‘Awesome August’ Crazy?

A few months ago I had this ‘crazy’ idea. But anyone who knows me, knows I have this whole ‘Redefine Crazy' mantra thing going on. So for me, crazy doesn’t get chucked in the (looney) bin, it as often as not, gets done. But first, let me backtrack a little. Five or six years ago [...]

By |2018-08-20T09:50:51+09:30August 19th, 2018|Goals, Homepage, Life, Projects|Comments Off on Was ‘Awesome August’ Crazy?

August Unlimited

OK good folks of the internet, here’s the dealio. When people fuck up, or shit goes tits up, the new buzz word is ‘pivot’. We don’t ‘fail’, we ‘pivot’. We change things up. Most importantly, we don’t fucking quit. We dust ourselves off, adjust ourselves, and take off in a new direction. My new direction [...]

By |2018-07-22T15:21:59+09:30July 19th, 2018|Adventure, Goals, Homepage, Life, News, Projects, Running, Travel|Comments Off on August Unlimited

One Less Mess.

We've all heard about how much of an issue single use plastic in particular is in terms of litter and the environment. But I think we're fairly well 'insulated' from the impacts of it in places like Australia where we clean it up pretty well, and hide it away from sight. So it's easy to [...]

By |2018-03-31T12:56:13+09:30March 20th, 2018|Current Affairs, Life, News, Projects|Comments Off on One Less Mess.
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