Contrary to what some people might think, being kind doesn’t make you weak. In fact, quite the opposite. Sometimes it takes enormous strength to be kind when you most need to, to the people who most need it.
Because it can be tough being kind, when what you really want to do is lash out. Paradoxically, that’s usually the time you, or someone, most needs a bit of kind.
Kindness in the face of unkindness, is how we break the pattern.
Being kind doesn’t mean you can’t also object, protest, challenge, or fight for what you believe in.
It just means you do it as kindly as possible. Even if at times, that means very little kindness. What’s important then, is you go back to being kind as quickly as possible, rather than get caught up in the other, unkind stuff that seems like it’s everywhere.
You simply start at kind, and work your way to effective. Doing your best to stay true to your own values along the way. Without completely giving up on kind, or who you are, along the way.
And if you think being less kind, will achieve less, or perhaps even nothing at all, then maybe consider whether it’s even worth doing at all. And just let it slide and stay kind, an achieve that instead. Even if no one other than you ever even knows what you’ve achieved.
Kindness, or the lack of it, is where it all starts. So what are you starting? What are you adding to the world?
Let’s be honest, there’s enough shit in the world so let’s all give a big ‘Fuck. That.’ to adding to it.
And just because it isn’t always easy, or just because it can seem more popular to be sarcastic or insulting or hyper critical or just out and out nasty, especially on social media, doesn’t mean kind isn’t better. Way better.
Because kind is the new black. All the best people are being kind. It’s cool to be kind.
Be awesome to each other.
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PHOTO: Taken of a rescued, lost lamb when I was staying on Mt Ive Station, Gawler Ranges, South Australia.