Sale!With an 88page eBook and over an hour of exclusive video, this 'boot camp' delivers the practical advice you need to help you get the job you want. While it's aimed primarily at the creative industries, most of the principles can be used across industries*. Unless you actually want to be astronaut, in which case this will be absolutely fuck all help to you.
Before 'Awesome is Possible', the whole 'Ordinary is my Enemy' thing was my first ever mantra. And to this day, it helps shape my decisions. So one time, when I was in Bali and I got roped into going to a jewelry making class, I decided to make a pendant, (you can see my original effort and hear the story behind it below!), and that became the prototype for this much awesomer version.
There's literally no way I have to say anything about these socks is there? They're super fucking awesome. End. Of. Story. And oh yeah, they're ankle socks. Unless you're super fucking short in which case they may come up to your knees. 1% of the sale of these socks supports the humanitarian work of Doctors Without Borders.
Sale!If adventure is your soul mate, this is the Tank for you. This Tank was sourced from hand-picked factories with safe, fair, legal and humane working conditions. Patch fabric sourced from Cambodia and sewn in Vietnam. Tank print hand drawn in Adelaide and printed in Sydney, Australia. This is an Awesome Adventure Chick Tshirt.
Sale!Were you born to be in the wild? Yes? Then you need this. Now. This Tshirt was sourced from hand-picked factories with safe, fair, legal and humane working conditions. Patch fabric sourced from Cambodia and sewn in Vietnam. Tshirt print hand drawn in Adelaide and printed in Sydney, Australia. This is an Awesome Adventure Chick Tshirt.
Sale!This is basically my signature Tshirt and the first one I ever made under the Swashbucklers brand. I wear this design all the time, and now you can too. Not the exact same Tshirt obviously, I'll wear mine and you can wear yours. This is a Swashbucklers Club Tshirt.
Sale!For many years now, I've lived by the mantra 'Ordinary is my Enemy'. It's one of the core ideas behind the Swashbucklers Manifesto in fact. Now I've decided to take it up a notch. I think this Tshirt makes it pretty clear what I think of normal? Don't get me wrong, if you want to be normal, I guess that's fine. But it's not for me. To be clear, this Tshirt does not say FNM COA KRL that would just be fucking weird. And not in a good way. Although if that means something to you, then who I am to tell you it doesn't say that? For everyone else it says FCK NORMAL. The U in FUCK is missing so you don't get in trouble for having a naughty word on your Tshirt. Plus it made for a neater design. This is a Swashbucklers Club Tshirt.
So, not mentioning any names, but I know a person who I'd describe as a "delicate fucking flower" and I thought these socks would be perfect for them. And I figured if I knew someone who'd like 'em maybe you might too. So instead of just buying a pair for them I bought a bunch of them for any other delicate fucking flowers out there. You're welcome. 1% of the sale of these socks supports the humanitarian work of Doctors Without Borders.
If you're into word searches, you'll probably really like this book. It's probably not all that practical being so big and all, but whatevs. Give it to someone as a gift and it'll be their fucking problem. NOTE: May or may not still be the longest wordsearch book in the world. There may be a longer one now. And if there is, it will probably be in Dubai. NOTE: This book is now a collector's item. Apparently. *shrugs*
Sale!When I was writing my book The Swashbucklers Guide to Running Away from Dinosaurs I had to write lots of words. Because, you know, it’s a book and books have words in them. When I was looking for a bit of theme to wrap it all up, I came up with ‘Dream Big. Run Far.’ and finished the book up with that thought. It’s also what I write in it a lot of the time when I signed a book for someone. (Apologies if you think I just wrote that for you.) Then, I figured the ‘Run Far’ but would work better for more people if I just made it ‘Go Far’ and this Tshirt was born. Well, it wasn’t ‘born’ so much as ‘printed’, but let’s not get technical. You knew that. So if you’re the kind of person who likes to dream and do cool stuff, maybe you should get one of these Tshirts. NOTE: The charcoal one is printed with black, so it’s pretty subtle. I personally like it that way. But figured I’d better tell you in case you were expecting something a bit more stand outy. This is a Swashbucklers Club Tshirt.
Out of stockChok's Chums are made by Chok, a student with Down Syndrome at the Epic Arts Cafe special education course. He works in the Epic Creations Workshop each afternoon to create these little friends. Proceeds from Chok's Chums are divided between Epic Arts and Chok's family. I bought a small sample of these in an effort to help raise a few dollars for this amazing place. I first discovered Epic Arts Cafe while exploring the south coast of Cambodia a few years back. Not only do they have delicious food, they have an amazing program working with people with disabilities. Their cafe in Cambodia was founded in 2006 and their Special Education Project launched in 2009 after they discovered there was nothing to support children with learning disabilities in and around Kampot Town. They believe in a world where every person counts and where people with disabilities are valued, accepted and respected. They promote the inclusion of people of all abilities and disabilities through the arts and use arts as a form of expression and empowerment to bring people with and without disabilities together.