Bushfire Fundraisers for Runners

So we all know how completely messed up the Aussie bushfires are. Lives and property lost, environment decimated, animals and potentially entire species gone forever. We're all doing what we can in our own way, at whatever level we can. I know we're all being bombarded with fundraisers left, right and centre and there's only [...]

By |2020-01-18T12:42:43+09:30January 8th, 2020|Adventure, Current Affairs, Homepage, News, Running, South Australia, Travel|Comments Off on Bushfire Fundraisers for Runners

An Ode to Shutting The Fuck Up.

Just because you have an opinion doesn’t mean you have to express it - especially if it may cause harm, upset or hurt to others. Feel free to shut the fuck up. If there are things you know little or nothing about, consider doing some research before you put your bullshit opinion out into the [...]

By |2019-11-09T18:41:37+09:30November 9th, 2019|Current Affairs, Homepage, Life|Comments Off on An Ode to Shutting The Fuck Up.

What I like about the new tourism ad everyone else hates.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jyndIVod4k One thing I always find fascinating, is how easy (and popular) it is to tear something to shreds, without being able to offer one single decent suggestion about what else you could do better instead. And if ever there was something South Aussies are good at, it’s having a big fucking whinge. Perhaps it’s [...]

By |2019-09-04T10:10:56+09:30September 4th, 2019|Business, Current Affairs, Homepage, News|Comments Off on What I like about the new tourism ad everyone else hates.

21 reasons why you don’t need to lose your shit about no longer being able to climb Uluru.

  I've been to Uluru twice in the past few years and had an absolutely epic time. Here's how I managed to somehow, miraculously do that without ever feeling the need to climb it. So if you're losing your shit about no longer being able to climb Uluru, here's a few things you might want [...]

By |2019-07-17T11:40:32+09:30July 16th, 2019|Adventure, Current Affairs, Homepage, Life, News|Comments Off on 21 reasons why you don’t need to lose your shit about no longer being able to climb Uluru.

Rainbow Running.

A few weeks back, I made a last minute decision to run the Murray Bridge Half Marathon with a massive rainbow flag. It wasn't something I dreamed up over time and planned meticulously to be some comprehensive campaign. It was originally a one-off thing born of frustration that people in the LGBTIQ community are constantly, [...]

By |2019-08-18T14:50:57+09:30July 16th, 2019|Current Affairs, Homepage, Life, News, Running|Comments Off on Rainbow Running.

What is beautiful?

The other day I saw a teeth whitening ad, and I thought, "who the fuck gets to decide what colour our teeth 'should' be? That bright white is beautiful, and the colour they actually, naturally are, is not?". This morning while I was having breakfast and the local 'spoggies', (House Sparrows), were tucking in to [...]

By |2018-11-25T11:37:18+09:30November 25th, 2018|Current Affairs, Fuck. That. The book., Homepage, Life, News|Comments Off on What is beautiful?

What’s NOT being said about the new Nike Campaign.

  As you no doubt know by now, the new 'Dream Crazy' campaign by Nike (below) has already generated a shit tonne of conversation. Rather than add to the obvious "Kaepernick this/Kaepernick that" ruckus, I'd like to point out what no one is saying about it. Does the negative reaction to the Kaepernick component of [...]

By |2018-09-08T10:43:50+09:30September 8th, 2018|Business, Current Affairs, Homepage, Life, News|Comments Off on What’s NOT being said about the new Nike Campaign.

How, and where, do men learn to be better?

[6 minute read] I recently saw a man attempt to contribute to an online conversation about gender issues. There’s no real need to go into what he had to say, suffice to say it loosely fit into the ‘not all men’ category. (If you really want to see it, I've included it down below.) Although [...]

By |2018-08-14T06:54:54+09:30July 2nd, 2018|Current Affairs, Life, News, Violence Against Women|Comments Off on How, and where, do men learn to be better?

When thinking we’re not part of the problem, is the problem.

Last night Barry Hall was sacked by a radio broadcaster here in Australia for making inappropriate comments. Unlike some media outlets, I’ll not be describing Barry as an ‘AFL Great’, but a ‘fucking disgusting piece of shit’. Because I personally couldn’t give a shit about how well he played football, but do care about who [...]

By |2018-07-01T16:25:21+09:30June 30th, 2018|Current Affairs, Homepage, Life, News, Violence Against Women|Comments Off on When thinking we’re not part of the problem, is the problem.

It’s not you, it’s me.

When my son was at school, like a lot of kids I suppose, he was bullied a bit. And I put an awful lot of effort into helping him interpret what was happening. To attach new meaning to what was being said and done. I suspect it wasn’t always effective, but when he’d tell me [...]

By |2018-06-28T19:36:12+09:30June 28th, 2018|Current Affairs, Homepage, Life, News|Comments Off on It’s not you, it’s me.
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